Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Divine Appointments...

I believe in Divine Appointments! No question about it! No coincidences here!

I had a friend call me last night to tell me about an amazing happening ... a first for him. It was a Divine Appointment for sure... he has been on a spiritual quest for a couple years now... which he blames on me! He says that I made him read the bible and that has made all the difference in the world to his faith and life! (Reading the Bible can transform our lives! -- that's why I try to get more people to do it!) Part of the journey has been a deepening of faith for himself and his wife... they were invited by some friends to go to a DC church over the weekend to hear J.I. Packer... then took the opportunity to got to a "Talk Back" time with Mr. Packer in a small room at the church... the church held thousands for worship, but the talk back time only had about 10-15 people in it, so they his wife got to ask a question that she's been wrestling with... Mr. Packer responded but also said that he would encourage her to read a certain book of his that would address the topic in much more detail. My friend tried to get the book, but it is out of print!

Yesterday, I was at Ollie's briefly, because Emma wanted a small Bible that she could carry in her purse... while there, I couldn't help but quickly browse the other inspirational books that Ollie's carries... and you probably guessed it, I found a book by J.I. Packer. I tried to call my friend to see if he wanted me to buy it... but couldn't get him... so, I didn't buy it. BUT I did place it in a strategic location so that when he called me back, if he wanted it, it would be easy to find.

He went to Ollie's found the book in less than a minute and wouldn't you know that it is the SAME book that is out of print that Mr. Packer suggested his wife read!

When he called me back later to tell me that... I asked him if he was going to stay up all night to read it. I am doubting that he did....

There is NOTHING coincidental about that! It was simply a divine appointment... you see when we open ourselves up to God, he really does guide us!

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