Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Pain of Pain...

Since Sunday night, I have been having some pain issues... Now I have a really high pain tolerance level (after all, when I get a cavity filled... I like to skip the novacane and just clench my fists). But this pain got the best of me yesterday a.m... after a sleepLESS night on Monday night, I called off a trip to Assateague to hunt Sika deer in the early a.m. and opted for the docs place instead. Told them that if they couldn't get me in before noon, I was going to the ER!

Seems that I am having a gout attack (my diagnosis, at present... not the docs, but after 8 vials of blood, they should know for sure soon!) Told the doc that the pain was an 11 on a 1-10 scale! She prescribed darvecet, but it didn't do a thing... So, the nurse said come back in a.m. for a different prescription and in the mean time take two darvecet. So, I did... and it knocked me out... but several times last night while still under the influence of the med, was awakened by severe pain.

This a.m. got the new prescription... a stronger med... vicodin. But the pain of it all is that this med in the past has knocked me out... so, how is a preacher supposed to get a sermon done when knocked out? Maybe I will get lucky and it won't knock me out... or maybe I can still work under the influence! The warning says, "Avoid driving, doing other tasks or activities that require you to be alert or have clear vision...." Wonder what effect that will have on the message! If might be a real interesting one on Sunday!

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