Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Best Question Ever....

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about the financial binds that so many people I know get themselves in. The news carries more stories than ever right now about people who are forced to for close on their homes and more and more people struggling with having enough money to live... and we live in the richest country of the world, where the poorest among us are wealthy compared to lots of people in the world (that's another topic for another day! -- check out this blog of some folks from our congregation for more about that....)

But here's what I've been thinking.... Andy Stanley wrote a book a few years back titled "The Best Question Ever" and I even used it as a basis of a sermon series at Community of's really very simple and asking that question of most situations would find us in very different circumstances... The question is this... and it works for decisions about almost everything in for the question... "Is it Wise?"

Think about how much asking yourself that question about lots of things in your life would change the way you live and the decisions you make. I'm hooked! It's the best question ever and asking it will make a difference in your sure has mine! Try it!

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