Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Blessed so that...

We are blessed so that we can bless others!  We say that all the time at Community of Joy and strive to live that too!

Today, I stopped by Pinehurst Elementary School - the neighborhood school for whom we are their faith based partners and for whom we try to find ways to bless every year.  One of those ways is through giving school supplies each year so that they can give to students in need.  One of the Vice Principals saw me come in and came over to enthusiastically thank me and us for being a blessing.  He was apologetic that we didn't get the publicity in the paper or on TV for the donations.  I told him that is okay... we don't do what we do for publicity... we do it to honor Jesus... to share his love... to be a blessing to others because we have been blessed!

What a jolly it is to be a blessing to others!

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