Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Thoughtful Response

We live in a very polarized world and that polarization has come into the church and has impacted the way we do mission.  In fact, in some ways, I fear we have lost sight of the mission of Jesus altogether.

Last week, one of my Facebook friends, who is also a pastor in Colorado posted a question on his Facebook Status and invited healthy dialoge.  He then promised his response on Wednesday.  That response came late last night, just under the deadline.   I think it is a very helpful response for us to ponder.  So, I am doing something that I have rarely done on my blog (providing a link to my friend's blog).

The question was this... "Would Jesus bake a cake for a gay wedding?"   I think my friend says a lot of helpful things in his blog post that we need to consider as followers of Jesus who are called to Love God and Love our neighbor.

1 comment:

cathy b. said...

Halter's article is an answer to my prayers. I have many friends and relatives who are gay, who have had abortions, who are sinners in other ways and I've had these same questions. This link addresses a Christian's questions better than any other I've seen so far. Help that I've been seeking. Thank you.