Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Trip To So Cal!

I enjoyed my trip to Southern California this past week... the second trip of 8 for my cohort of Advanced Foundations of Church Leadership.   Meeting over a two year period with 6 other pastors from around the country and a number of Bethany Theological Seminary Faculty to explore issues of leadership and strengthen our leadership skills.

The week was spent at a Catholic retreat center - Mary and Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA.  A high hill overlooking LA.  Beautiful for sure... peacocks roam wild and roost in trees and serve as EARLY alarm clocks.

We were together in session from 7:45 each day until 9 p.m.   Lots of exploration of group process dynamics, leadership tools, nutrition, and exercize ideas too!

On the last day, my friend Marty and I walked to the top of the hill about 2 miles away to see the sunrise (unfortunately it was foggy) and then the group went to the same spot to see the sunset... Beautiful!

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