Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Uplifting for sure!

What a wonderful experience we had last night as we walked around our Ministry Center's western neighborhood to invite our neighbors to our Neighborhood Pork Roast!  The weather was delightfully cool and made the night all the better.  Reports were that our neighbors were generally receptive and appreciative of the invitation!

We had 5 teams out and about, knocking on doors, introducing themselves and making the invitations!  Our purpose in doing the Pork Roast and Fun Fest is to make connections in our neighborhood and create a positive environment in the neighborhood. 

Responses ranged from, "we've seen your sign.", to "I have had it on my calendar for weeks." 

Going into the night, I was a bit discouraged that more people hadn't been able or willing to help pass out invitations, but that discouragement quickly left as I was greeted by many friendly neighbors.  Hopefully the weather will hold and the day will be a blessing in all of our lives!

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