Thursday, November 5, 2009


While I was in the hospital last week, I started reading Shane Claiborne's new book "Follow Me to Freedom: Leading and Following as an Ordianry Radical". In it he says this, "I am convinced that Jesus did not just come to prepare us to die. He came to teach us to live. The vision that Jesus invites us to follow is not just a vision for heaven... seriously now, how hard can it be to love our enemies in heaven? Jesus is teaching us a vision for how to live on earth, to care for others. Here and now is where and when we need to figure out how to love those who are against us. The Kingdom of God that Jesus spoke of wasn't just something we hope for when we die, but something we are to bring to earth as it is in heaven. It's not just about us going up, but about bringing God's Kingdom down."

I couldn't agree more! It matters how we live now. It matters how we treat one another now. It matters ... so who are you blessing today? Who are you showing love to? Who are you extending mercy and grace to?

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