Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Be Careful What You Say...

I knew yesterday when I was crowing so much about how smooth our shelter was going that I might be in dangerous territory....but I AM so pleased!!!!

Last night we had some tests... but we got through them okay...THANKFULLY!

We had a guy from the other shelter, who was majorly intoxicated, come to our shelter in hopes of getting a bed. Just his presence at supper stirred our guests up tremendously and I was fearful that we would suffer a tough night. (The musical entertainment was awesome, but this guy's presence there, chased everyone else out and hardly anyone stayed to hear Steve and Mike!) However, when our guys found out that he was not going to come in to our shelter for the night (there was room at the other shelter for him and he was already on the list there!) they settled down.

When I left @ 11 p.m. all was quiet!

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