Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What Can You Trust?

Had an interesting experience yesterday as I traveled from home to Dayton, Ohio via Philadelphia Airport.   I arrived safely about 1 p.m. and almost immediately checked the monitors to see if my flight was on time and the gate was what I thought.  It was listed as ON TIME.  I had a 3 hour layover so, I set out to get lunch.  While in line to get lunch, I got a phone call saying that my flight would be delayed about an hour an a half and I would be leaving about the time I was supposed to arrive originally.  No big deal, I had the time as we werent meeting till today.  I only had to fly yesterday because no flights worked to get me here today on time.

So, periodically I checked the monitors to see what they said about our flight and they constantly listed it as "ON TIME"!   Even the agent desk has has "ON TIME".  But interesting that the manually put up flight info at the causeway had us listed as leaving at a new time.  Throughout the afternoon, they periodically announced the change over the PA system.   About a half hour after our original departure time, I went by the monitors to see what it said and was shocked to see it say "DEPARTED"  yet we were still there!

That got me to thinking... what can you trust?  And what do you do when what you expect to be able to trust (the monitors) were wrong and what you thought you might not be able to trust (the manually updated board) was right?

Trust is a precious thing and once you loose it or violate it, it is hard to find again.  All afternoon, I found myself thinking about how precious it is.

One thing I definitely want to be... is trustworthy.   Jesus encourages it too... he said let your yes be yes!

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