Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sabbath Brings Refreshment...

I have been practicing taking a day off (Sabbath Rest) for the past three weeks.  And man do I feel the effects of it!  I feel more productive when I am working.  Have greater desire to work.  Feel more rested and refreshed than I have for some time. 

Typically, I am taking Fridays, but this week, I took Monday as I have some work related things to do on Friday.  Didn't want to skip my day nor did I want to allow some things to encumber the day. 

God knew what he was doing when he commanded us to remember the sabbath and keep it holy!  Rest is important!

Now I am about to head to OC for a couple days to be on retreat and to do some planning for 2011.  I firmly beleive change of place + change of pace =Change of perspective.

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