Friday, February 4, 2011

A Culture of Thanks!

Today we served at Pinehurst Elementary School in one of our roles as Faith Based Partner there!  It was no small task... to prepare 300 cups of HOT cocoa and to have them ready when the children arrived.  But what a great group of servants we had!  Thanks to Karen Townsend, Judy Urrasio, Brent Johnson, Jim and Carol Replogle, we got it done.

What really impressed me about today was the number of teachers and staff members that would come up and profusely thank us for coming and helping.  In fact more often than not when a teacher walked into the Cafeteria, they came over to say thanks!  And their thanks was so energertic and heartfelt.   Sure made me walk out of there feeling great!

There seems to be a culture of appreciation and encouragement at Pinehurst!  What a neat thing!

Imagine what a different impact the church would have on the world if we had that same culture!   Committing myself to work at it at Community of Joy!

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