Thursday, February 24, 2011

So Many Thoughts...

I've got so many thoughts running through my head right now and I hardly have time to sort them out and post them here. 

As you know, we have been doing our cold weather shelter for homeless men these past two weeks.  This is a passion of mine and I absolutely am delighted that Community of Joy opens it's facility to be part of this. 

First, I am proud of our folks!  They serve with genuine love and humble spirits!   They go above and beyond!  A long time ago, I read a story of two guys eating McDonalds in the car by a downtown sidewalk... when a homeless guy walked up and stared at the one guy's burger long enough to cause that guy to roll down the window and hand the half eaten hamburger to him.  Since then, I like to say, NO HALF EATEN hamburgers from us!  And that is the way our folks roll!

Second,  some folks are struggling with the fact that we continue to see the same folks over and over again year in and year out.  While this is a sad reality, it doesn't make them less worthy of what we are doing.  My thoughts go to how can we help them break the cycle to get out of the situation that causes them to be on the street?  And at the same time, I realize that everyone won't be able to break the stangles.  But no matter, they are worthy of our love!

Third,  I hear some folks suggesting that some of the guys are abusing the situation.  Maybe so, but in that regard they will have to account for their actions one day and so will I.  I would rather be found guilty of extending love than withholding it.  And further, if I didn't need the shelter I wouldn't want to stay in one... so, I would guess that they don't really want to be here either. 

Finally, I learned this week that one week in the middle of March the two churches that are hosting it will only be able to accomodate about 45 guys... we have been running around 65.  The plan was to tell some of the guys there is limited space.  I feel that is unacceptable.  If the two churches can't take more, then we need to explore other options to house the guys.  So, I have asked our director and food folks if they are in and will be asking our leadership team to consider another week.... but this week NOT paying the $500 administrative fee, just incurring the costs of doing the shelter.  Ofcourse, I will also need to check with our partner churches too!

So happy to be the hands and feet and heart of Jesus through these experiences!  And am a proud pastor!

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