Thursday, October 28, 2010

Not an Excuse!

From Kem Meyer's book, "Less Clutter. Less Noise.  Beyond Bulletins, Brochures, and Bake Sales."

"A small budget is not a hurdle to jum.  It does not prevent you from WOWing your gues and it does not restrict you from adding value.  I read about the budget restraints Steven Speilberg faced when he was shooting Jaws.  He was just getting started in the business and didn't have a dream budget.  He wanted to film an incredibly life-like mechanical great white shark attacking and consuming weak humans en masse.  The problem?  An increibly lifelike mechanical great white sharek was incredibly expensive.  So what did he do?  He didn't make a bad movie and blame a lack of money for it.  He had to think of something else.  Something creative.  Something cheap.  He decided to shoot the unsuspectng swimmers from the shark's point of biew (with scary music) and it resulted in a classic."

What implications does this story have for the church and the way we do ministry?

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