Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Still Marveling....

I am still marveling at the power of the Holy Spirit! On Sunday, I asked my friend, Stephen, to share a little about what God has done in his life in the past few years as he and I and another mutual friend have particpated in an accountablilty Life Transformation Group and read the Bible Daily. I did not show him the sermon or tell him what the sermon would be about... and when he got up to share after the sermon... he was amazed at all of the places that what Wayne Cordiero (the preacher) and Stephen had to say were the same! It was like they had worked together to prepare what each of them said. And further, I chose to use some scriptures in the worship that Stephen also chose to use to share part of his story... each of us totally unaware of the fact that the other was planning to use those scriptures! NOT coincidence! But Holy Spirit!

Yesterday, my friend, Stephen made a comment to me about how I trusted him to share and how did I know he would do a good job. I had a hunch he would, but beyond that, I KNEW that the Holy Spirit would enter the equation... because I knew that both Stephen and I would pray that the worship would be helpful to others!

I've learned over the years and still need to remind myself... that sometimes it is best to get out of God's way and let the Holy Spirit work! When people are spiritually connected with God... look out... often times what happens is inspiring and something to marvel at!

This week we will look at "Connected".... sharing from John 15:1-17. It is an awesome journey when we are connected to God!

And this year at CoJ, I want to help us deepen our connections in three arenas... 1. with God, 2. with each other, and 3. with our community!

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