Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Visitors/Guests WELCOMED, EXPECTED!!!!

After raking gathering leaves today, I decided to mow the grass at the Ministry Center. The new grass is getting long and would look better over the winter if it was mowed... so, while I was at it, I mowed the whole lot!

I was just about done and was mowing on the corner of Smith Street and South Blvd when a car came out of Smith Street and pulled the wrong way on South Blvd, stopping right in front of the Ministry Center. The lady inside rolled down her window and I shut off the mower. She asked me if we allowed visitors! Yep, you read that right! She's been looking at our church as she rides by (and hoping she would see someone out so she could ask), but wanted to know if she would be welcomed to stop in! I told her ABSOLUTELY! We'd LOVE to have her stop in and visit with us! She then said she had seen on our Marque something about a Bible Study... is that still going on was her question and could she come to that! Again, I told her ABSOLUTELY! We'd LOVE to have her!

Then I told her the worship times and the difference between the gatherings. And just before she was going to go, I asked what her name was and told her that I was Martin, one of the Pastors here... and she said, "well it is my lucky day!"

Guests and visitors are expected and hoped for at Community of Joy!

That encounter just might be the begining of the answer to my prayers! It certainly makes all that knee work worth it!

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