Saturday, November 1, 2008

Enjoying the summer day...

Taking advantage of the heat to get some things done outside...

First, I cut and hauled two pickup loads of pine branches from my pine trees.

Second, started the irrigation at the Ministry Center to water the new grass, especially the part that is taking it's time growing.

Third, winterized the pool, though don't know why... doubt we will put a new liner in this year as it is nearly $3500 and we are getting a new HVAC system on Tuesday and need a new roof in a year or two. Still... disconnected the pump and filter and cleaned them up for storage.

Fourth, filled some holes in the woodwork near the back garage door where mice sometimes come in.

Fifth, put away the window boxes and planters from the summer decoration scheme.

Sixth, getting some arrows fletched so, I can keep hunting.

Seventh, baked some brownies for tomorrow's carry-in.

Eighth, did two loads of laundry and hung them out to dry.

Ninth, made a few church related phone calls.

Tenth, went to the bank for Caroline!

Now, I am tired! If it weren't so hot, I would head to the woods to hunt deer... but it is too hot for that now!

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