Monday, October 8, 2007

Life is FULL...

Right now, life is too full! I am way too busy and am struggling with keeping my head above water and not being able to do some hunting... so, will be making some adjustments to schedule and saying no to some things so that I can get things back in perspective!

I know this is a reality all of us deal with, especially in our world today! Too many things calling our names. We must learn to make choices and to say no to things... even good things! Last night I agreed to go hunting with a friend of mine this morning... and after finding that it was stressing me out...because I had been out of town all day Friday and Saturday and yesterday was FULL with three worship gatherings at church and helping a new friend -- who has a drug addiction and wants to break free... I was basically gone yesterday from 8 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. So, I called my friend back and told him I just could NOT go hunting in the morning... Hunting should be something I enjoy, not something I dread or that puts stress on me. Saying no to good things is a necessary thing!

Today I am working hard to get my to do list knocked out... so I can feel relief from it's weight.

Jesus taught and modeled the sabbath principle... he often went away to pray by himself and seemed to have a healthy rhythm of doing and being. He also encouraged us to observe a sabbath. It's a day of rest and rejuvenation!

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