Friday, September 21, 2007

Living Dangerously with God...

Today, while at the Ministry Center spreading out nearly 6 tons of stones to better accommodate our handicap ramp pad access for vans, I saw something that made me think.

It's really a parable of how we live our lives sometimes... dangerously with God!

A police officer had stopped a car on South Blvd. just beyond the light at Camden Avenue. The lights were flashing and the officer was standing in the street next to the car. I looked up in time to see a car coming by the Ministry Center with a young college-aged girl in it. What caught my eye was the fact that as soon as she saw the police cruiser, she quickly reached up for her seat belt and pulled it around her.

What I thought was... isn't that they way we play the game of life with God sometimes... we do things that we know we shouldn't or we know are dangerous until we think someone might see us and think badly of us and we immediately change what we are doing or try to hide the fact that we are living dangerously. We forget that God sees us all the time! We forget that God gave us the ability to discern between what is wise and unwise.

We wouldn't live so dangerously if we could just get in the habit of asking ourselves the simple question about most things... "is it wise?"

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