Thursday, June 2, 2011

Still hanging on...

It's been a while since I posted anything related to my recent journey with bells palsy as a result of Ramsay-hunt Syndrome.  I am now in the end of my 12th week and while much improved, still have paralysis of my face.   My mouth still is not freely able to move on the right side.  I am happy that no longer do I have to drink from a straw or worry about liquid or food coming out of my mouth.

And my eye still needs drops.  I am up to $119 worth of eye drops for this journey and am afraid that shortly I will be buying another $11 bottle as my eye still doesn't blink or my tear duct doesn't work yet.  This has been the most annoying part of the journey for me!

I am not sure how much longer it will be or if I will ever get the full use back, but it is what it is and I am living well with it as it is.

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