Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ever so slowly....

The function of my mouth and eye is coming back ever so slowly!  I can see progress, but still have a ways to go.

The other day, I was with Caroline at the Eye Doctors and Dr. Filapov was examining Caroline and when he turned around to talk to me, he blurted out... "what is wrong with your eye?"  And then after telling him my story, he made me get in the chair and took a look at it.  He said I have been doing a great job protecting it and he gave me a sample eye drop... which stays on my eye much longer than the other drops have been staying.   I have spent $166 on eye drops so far in this journey!

I threw my back out last week and have been taking muscle relaxers which has caused me to have even less control of my mouth than before.  But when I am not on them, the control comes back but still not 100%.

What a journey it has been!  And to think it all started in early March when I had a dead tree limb fall on my head while in the woods!


cathy b. said...

Good to hear you are progressing.

Martin Hutchison said...

Thanks! It is good to be progressing! Today I felt like I could form words better than I have been able to yet!

Good to see you doing better too!