Friday, July 27, 2007

The Tensions of New Territory...

The tensions associated with new territory are always around habits and ways of being... we have done things certain ways for so long that now we are having to adjust our practices and find new ways....that's always a good thing!

It brings a freshness and creativity to light that can slip out of sight when we stay in the same territory too long. Right now we are navigating this tension, as we figure out ways to do things that are important to us... like how do we maximize our space while keeping an open flow for relationship building and connection? How do we do participatory worship gatherings when we need the space for chairs? How do we keep our strong leaning toward being flexible and meeting challenges with enthusiasm, when we have a permanent location?

Then there are the other tensions of new territory... related to form and function. How do we use certain areas and yet make them attractive? What values are more important ... values that center around form or values that center around function and how do we keep a healthy balance?

Another tension that is present... is the one where we have been riding a HUGE wave of enthusiasm and the BIG MO has been on our side (big mo = momentum) and now the natural leaning is to let down and rest. How do we keep on the crest of the wave? How do we keep the BIG MO working for us?

These are just a few of the healthy tensions I am feeling as we traverse the waters of owning our very first ministry center.

P.S. it was very nice this week to be able to go there before Sunday a.m. to set up and make sure that technology was the way I wanted it!

And it is great to know that our congregation WILL meet these tensions in healthy ways! I am excited for what is ahead!

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