Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What is the purpose of the church?

Found this in a book I am reading by Paul Borden..."Make or Break Your Church in 365 Days: A daily guide to leading effective change"...

1. Was the church established to be the custodian of the saints?
2. Was the church established to carry out God's mission of redemption?

"When I ask these questions, I ask them in a primary sense.  A church on a mission does need to care for the saints who are carrying out that mission.  A church that is a custodian of the saints does believe in and can employ strategies for mission and seeing the work of redemption accomplished.  However, tis the church fundamentally designed to be a place for saints to worship, grow, develop, and be prepared to carry out God's mission, or is the church by its very nature a missional entity that does worship, discipleship, and other activities in missional ways, designed more for what it achieves as an entity in the accomplishment of the mission, both corporately and individually?"

"I believe that church of Jesus Christ is doing so poorly in North America because the church is most often seen as a custodian of the saints.  Most Christians believe in mission, but I sense that most Christians don't view the church as a missional entity designed more to mobilize believers than to serve them."

Somehow, the task for us in Church leadership is to mobilize participants to RECIEVE LOVE.  GIVE LOVE.  REPEAT AGAIN AND AGAIN.   To view the community as a place to share God's love with others and to help people take their next step toward Jesus!

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