Friday, July 30, 2010

Together On The Journey...

"Together on the Journey..." is how I often sign off from my Pastoral Columns in the church newsletter.  I do that to remind us that we are on a journey of faith, exploration, and discovery.  We have not arrived!  And we are on that journey together!  Not alone.

I read this recently in Todd Hunter's book, "Giving Church Another Chance".   "The vast majority of us, because of the way the gospel has been preached in our generation, have thought that faith equals doctrinal agreement.  But it doesn't work that way in the Bible.  Abraham followed God long before he had a good theological grasp of what was going on.  The disciples, while actively engaged in following Jesus, learned doctrinal truth and a new way to read and understand the Jewish Scriptures AS THEY WENT ALONG."

So much to be said of traveling together on the journey and inviting others to explore and discover along with us as we follow Jesus wherever he leads!

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