Friday, May 21, 2010

From Rows to Circles....

There are so many valuable things that happen when we in the church move from rows to circles!

Earlier this year, we had some fellowship meals in people's homes. Small groups of people who did not know each other very well gathering in someone's home around the table for a meal and the connections deepened! Still hearing positive things that happened at those meals. There are valuable things that happen when we move from rows to circles!

The Wednesday Small Group is about finished for the summer.... one more session, Many positive things came from those weeks of gathering around the circle! Deepened connection with God and with each other. For some the spiritual growth has been very rich and deep. And it is evidenced in the discussions each week. There are valuable things that happen when we move from rows to circles!

This fall, we will be offering some more opportunities to move from rows to circles. A Financial Peace University group with Dave Ramsey will gather and a Book 2 in The Apprentice Series... The Good and Beautiful Life: Putting on the Character of Christ. Don't miss out on the valuable things that happen when you move from rows to circles!

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