Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Church That Never Sleeps...

Just read a book by that title. Not a great book... wouldn't recommend it to you, but love the title! And I love the concept.

If we are the church rather than go to church, then we will never sleep! We will always be the church 24/7/365 or 168 however you want to view it! It is all the same! We ARE the church. Sent, to proclaim the Kingdom of God and the heal!

The problem is that we have, for years, separated the secular from the sacred when all of life is sacred. And in separating the two, we go to church an hour or two and the rest of our week, we live our lives. What if we WERE the church 168 (the number of hours in a week)? And we were focused on the tasks of proclaiming the Kingdom of God and healing.... the world would be transformed - just like Jesus desires it to be. People would be drawn to Jesus.

So, I am all for being the church that never sleeps!

One thing that is clear to me, is that if we are going to be the church 168, then we need to interact with people who aren't in our churches. There are many ways to connect with them. One idea that came from the book has merit... What if we each one or each family or in teams of two or three -- adopted a block in our neighborhood. And each Saturday, we spent several hours walking around the neighborhood, picking up trash, greeting those we saw, looking for ways to interact and help out? Would that make a difference in our ability to connect with those who are not part of the church? I think it would!

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