Thursday, December 3, 2009

Not Just About Me!

I received a very nice email from a friend who was encouraging me regarding my recent diagnosis of diabetes. He was so happy that I was taking it seriously. Seems his father has diabetes too and chose not to watch his diet, etc. Now he is experiencing eye trouble, feet trouble, and kidney trouble. And it is not just affecting him. It is affecting the whole family. My friend's mom has to drive his dad everywhere because he can't see. My friend's dad is missing out on lots of things he should be enjoying because of limitations due to his diabetes.

Really made me think! Taking care of myself and keeping my diabetes under control is not just about me! My diabetes also could affect my wife, my children, my future grandchildren and my aspirations for my life. That is reason enough for me to take good care of myself. I will monitor my carbohydrate intake (watch my diet), take my medicine, see my doc regularly, monitor my feet and eyes. I don't want to miss out on a thing! And with diabetes, it can be controlled.

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