Thursday, October 25, 2012


One of the things I do when I don't have someone that walks with me in the mornings at the mall is to listen to podcasts and pray.   Today I was walking by myself until Sharon came (about a half an hour because the lady that I usually walk the early shift with is in England for two weeks) and I was listening to one of my favorite leadership podcasts called Catalyst.  They were interviewing John Maxwell today and one of the questions and John's answers struck a chord with me.  Perhaps because I am approaching 50 in 3 years and perhaps because soon our nest will be empty....

Anyways, the conversation was on Legacy.   John made some powerful points that I want to share and I personally want to give some thought to!

John says, "Everybody leaves a legacy.  You might not like the legacy you are leaving but everyone leaves one.  The question is what kind og legacy are you leaving?   We must be intentional in what kind of legacy you want to leave."

John continues... "Our purpose in life is not to be the last answer.  Our purpose as leaders is to let others stand on our shoulders and stand higher and do more than I.   ....  If the best of the next generation doesn't exceed me, I've bankrupted them."

Then he shared a very helpful image... He said, "In a relay race, you don't hand off the batton when you are tired and fatigued.  No one wins a relay race by handing the batton off when you are tired and worn out.  You need to be at your top speed when you hand it off."    That is one to ponder.

John concluded his time by saying... "Sometimes we do our best work by letting someone else complete our work."   WOW!

I know what kind of legacy I want to leave... now it is time to begin thinking about how I am doing toward that end.   What about you?   What kind of legacy are you leaving?

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