Friday, August 27, 2010

Tis a Season for Everything Under the Sun...

The writer of Ecclesiastes says that there is a season for everything under the sun.   That has been my source of strength in these days of transition! 

As parents we reaise our children with the goal that one day they will be independent and able to manage whatever life throws at them.  To get there, that means that there comes a time that we must let go.  That time comes in gradual stages and little by little independence comes.  A bigger step in that process is when the child leaves home for college, which is the stage we reached this week.  Sure I miss Caroline being arouind, but I have every confidence that she is able to SOAR HIGH in this next phase and that this time is a very helpful time in acheiving our goal of being totally independent.

Lots of friends of ours are going through this time right now and each one is handling it differently.  But for me, my strength comes in trusting her to the Lord and knowing that this is the time we have been working toward.  It is a necessary time and it is the time when we get to see how well we did as parents!

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