Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Church is NOT a club!

Interesting conversation I had with a fella yesterday!

I was at the Ministry Center doing some advance planning for Christmas and watering the new grass when it was clear that some one was trying to get in the front door-- but it was locked. (I had come in the back door.) It was a middle aged couple... happy to see me... told me that they had stopped by many times and I was never there. (I wanted to tell them I am ALWAYS here on Sundays!, but I bit my tongue and said, "my office is not in this building.") They were seeking some help with food... what Joseph House and Urban Ministries was able to offer them is not enough for their family and work for him will not start until next week. (I bought them 2 gallons of milk and 3 loaves of bread, and some butter.... they had lots of peanut butter and cereal but needed bread and milk. I also gave them two large bags of venison -- one bag of tenderloin and one of burger-- they were pleased!) We made arrangements for them to stop back by in an hour to pick up the food, since I needed to go get it from the house and store.

One thing the gentleman said to me, makes me write this blog... he said, "I grew up Catholic and my mom said that I should go by the Catholic Church to see what they could do for me, since all those years I faithfully gave them money... surely they should be able to help me now!" The Church is NOT a club... we don't pay dues and reap benefits as a result of paying those dues! In fact, someone has said... "the church is the only organization that exists totally for those who aren't part of it!" Sure there are benefits to being part of the body of people often referred to as the "church" but those aren't the benefits. The benefits are found in being part of community where we can support one another and share our struggles and joys. Those benefits are ours regardless of what we give or how much... but they can't be ours if we don't participate!

Another cool thing that happened yesterday was this... the couple also went to Bethany Lutheran and Pastor Kevin helped them too... he and I talked afterward and agreed that it would be a great mutual ministry to have some food on hand to give out. He offered the garage in their house next door as a location for some shelves and a freezer. We will have more conversation about this... but I can see a freezer stocked with some venison and other meats and a shelving unit that is stocked with some canned goods, that we gather from our collective groups. And that would just be the beginning of some valuable ministries for our community!

1 comment:

DPotvin said...


I couldn't agree more with you. It is not about what the church can do for the Christian, but it is instead what can the Follower do for the Body of Believers assembled.
