Thursday, November 19, 2009

Doing God's Work...

Ever wonder what God's will is for your life? Ever spend lots of time praying for God to reveal what he wants you to do?

Sometimes that approach can keep us from doing anything for the Lord!

We don't have to wait for God to reveal anything to us. In fact waiting keeps us from doing what God wants us to do! All we need to do is walk out our front door and look around... God will reveal needs that we can meet and ways that we can share his love with others. Listen to the people you come in contact with and take notice of what is happening in their lives and you will soon see ways you can be the hands and feet of Jesus.

I find that God reveals his desires for us as we live our lives out in the world... So get out there and listen, look, and then ACT!

1 comment:

David-FireAndGrace said...

Great word! I am all for getting out there and doing something, anything for God!
