Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What Business Are We In?

What business is the church in?  That's a great question and one that it would do well for us to ask.  In these days... it seems that there are hundreds of ways that we could answer that question.

A friend and fellow preacher - Jim Benedict - says this in his sermon for July 31 (already posted on his church's website!)...

"We are not in the “fill the pews” business. We are not in the “boost the offering” business. We are not in the “provide entertainment” business. We are not in the “perpetuate our wonderful tradition” business. All those things may come into play as we go about our business, but they are not the business we are in. Our business is to be the living presence of God in the world, reaching out to hurting people, expressing God’s love in ways that ordinary people can understand so that they will want to enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ."

I couldn't agree more!  As I like to say...we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world....loving God and loving others, even our enemies!

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