Thursday, May 23, 2013

Making Disciples

Jesus calls us to MAKE Disciples.  

One thing that is clear to me and has become increasingly more clear is that most churches and Christ followers in those churches don't understand what this means.  And consequently we aren't doing a very good job of making disciples of Jesus. 

During the last two months, while turkey hunting in the early morning hours, I read a book on my Kindle called "Insourcing: Bringing Discipleship Back to the Local Church" by Randy Pope.  That book along with witnessing the transformation that God is doing in the lives of the men in the Community Men's Group I lead called Get Nailed Men's Bible Study Group have caused me to make a decision that I want to spend the rest of my life making disciples of Jesus and encouraging those disciples to make more disciples.

You see, I have seen first hand how a transformed life transforms other lives!   In the past two years I have seen how one life that was transformed by the power of God has invited other men to join a movement and experience that same transformation.  That movement is growing and those men's lives are being radically changed and the lives of others who they interact with are also being touched by God!

Here is a definition that Randy Pope offers for discipleship... "Life on life missional discipleship is laboring in the lives of a few with the intention of imparting one's life, the gospel, and God's Word in such a way as to see them become mature and equipped followers of Jesus, committed to doing the same in the lives of other followers."

I believe that Jesus knew that making disciples who make disciples would transform the world.  And you know what, the world desperately needs to be transformed.  So what are you waiting for?

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