One thing can be said of this unnammed woman... she is persistent and she loves the Lord!
But my question is this... is what she is doing frutiful or fruitcake? She has been standing on the corner of South Blvd and Rt. 13 quite frequently. As she stands there, she holds her Bible high and shouts, reads, and raises her hands high.
I watched her for a while, with my windows down trying to hear what she was saying. It was interesting to watch as people would see her and would do a wide circle around her, either walking behind her or on the other side of the street. No one seemed to want to walk by her. Actually, I wanted to go talk to her, but when I heard the tone of her voice, I chickened out and stayed in my truck.
For sure, it would be better if more of us who love Chirst would be more intentional and visible in our witness, but I seriously doubt that this style will yeild much fruit.
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