Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Big Meeting...

This year I was unable to go to the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren (the Big Meeting) in Grand Rapids, MI.  Would have liked to have been there in person... but was delighted to have been able to be there through the technology of webcasts!  I listened to most of the business sessions and a couple of the worship gatherings.  And am glad I did!

A cool thing for me, was that I could partake, while not expending a dime to do it... and could get my living room painted, the dining room carpet removed, the wall paper down, and half of it painted.  That's a great way to multi-task!

Especially touched by the closing worship on Wednesday a.m.   Would highly recommend you listen if you so desire...

1 comment:

cathy b. said...

I wish I could have taken part in the hearing process that preceded the conference during the year before. Ideally it was not politics, but bible study, prayer, and conversation in the best sense of the word.