Friday, September 11, 2009

This weekend...

This weekend at all three of our worship gatherings, we will look at the topic "Along the way: Interruptions!" Who among us doesn't have interruptions in our day and in our lives? You know, that phone call, knock on the door, the doctors report, the injury, accident... all these and more are interruptions to the things we have planned in life. But they are also part of life. The trick is figuring out how to keep from getting frustrated by the interruptions and find God in the midst of them. That's what we will talk about Saturday @ 5:35 and Sunday @ 9 and 10:30.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Something that came to my mind this morning as we passed another sad anniversary of 9/11, were all of the interruptions that people had that day. They were sick, they overslept, they missed their train, they stopped to get donuts, and never made it to work that day. By the grace of God, they watched the demise of the towers on television as we did on that day. That would certainly give a reason to reflect on God's blessings and presence in our lives.