Friday, April 10, 2009


Another Spirit connection last night at Love Feast! So cool... and so touching!

The Love Feast traditionally in the Church of the Brethren has been a time to examine our lives and deal with broken relationships that hinder our ability to Love God and Love Others. I opened the night with some questions and time for reflection regarding this brokenness.

We moved through the night... the meal, the footwashing, and were ready to receive communion, we had just sung a song of praise, when I felt a nudge to lead the next segment differently than I had planned. I had planned to lead a prayer of thanksgiving, but instead, invited folks to share statements of praise and thanksgiving. Lots of great sharing, but when Fran shared, I knew why I had been so nudged! Fran recently lost her 19 yr old grandson in a fluke police encounter where the policeman mistakenly yet intentionally shot him and killed him in his own home! As you can imagine that has been hard for the family to deal with. It has knocked the wind out of Fran... and last night she shared that for the first time, she was able to forgive the police officer and experienced a huge weight lifted. There weren't many dry eyes in the room at that point! So cool how God can lift our burdens and bring healing to our hurts!

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