About a year ago, I was still needing some attitude adjustment in relationship to the idea of purchasing this small church building... I was meeting with our realtor and a roof contractor on the front sidewalk, when Bethany Lutheran's pastor Kevin Wackett, stuck his hand into our threesome to say "Hi" and to tell me that his church leadership was praying for us... he had seen my truck in front of the building several times and he knew what we were doing. Kevin was one of the people God used to get me on board with his plans.
One of the neat things has been an ever growing cooperation between us and Bethany Lutheran (our adjacent neighbors)... we hosted a homeless men's shelter together in February, and will host the Easter Sunrise 7 a.m. outside worship gathering together this week. It is a cool thing when churches work together and show the community what the body of Christ looks like. We are NOT competition... we ARE partners in mission.
Looking forward to more opportunities to work together.
The pic is the cake that Bethany brought over as a surprise and welcome on our FIRST Sunday... not only did they bring a cake, but plates, forks, and napkins as well! AWESOME!
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