Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Living on Offense...

I've been thinking lots about life lately and what I have acheived and what I want to acheive in the time I have left. It seems that so much of my life has been lived in response to what has happened to me (defense). And I am finding that I'd like to think seriously about what it might look like to live life on offense! What would it look like to lead on offense? What would it mean for my life if I spent more time anticipating or imagining rather than reacting to what's happening. Or more time imagining/ anticipating a preferred future rather than getting sucked into the daily grind and bouncing around like a beach ball on the ocean. What if I knew where God was calling me and I charted a course in that direction? What if I took risks and dared to achieve things that I can't do on my own, but need God to show up to help out or to make possible. How would my life be different? Would I find more satisfaction and fulfilment?

Living on offense shouldn't be hard... after all we have the promise of God to "Be with us always, even to the end of the age."

I'll probably post more on this soon.

1 comment:

KonaJeff said...

Amen, Martin! I wish we lived closer to each other than across the country. I would love to be a part of a group that challenged and supported each other in seeking and walking in faithfulness to God's calling.

Often, I get really impatient because I want to see the "big" picture of what God is and wanting to do with my life. After moments of spiritual frustration, I try to remind myself to be patient and be faithful in the moments of Life, as God reveals them.

I think this is definitely what GOd calls us to do, but lends us more to the "reactive" life, vs. being more pro-active and living within the boundaries of what God is calling us to be.

This might be a good discussion over on the emergent brethren website, too.

Blessings to you!
