Monday, January 20, 2014

Exciting Times for Community of Joy!

I believe that the Church is designed to be an outward reaching band of Jesus followers... but it more naturally turns inward and huddles. So, the task of leadership is to constantly be reminding it that it is outward focused. To that end, I am excited that the Leadership Team and the 5 Q Circle Leaders of Community of Joy have taken action to work at leading us outward in 2014. As announced yesterday at our Congregational Forum, in 2014 each time there is a 5th Sunday - March 30, June 29, August 31, and November 30, we will host a Be a Blessing Sunday where we will suspend our normal worship gatherings to go out into the community to Be a Blessing. We hope to have several projects each of these days that folks can participate in, including one that will be at the Ministry Center for those with physical limitations. We will conclude each of these Sundays with a fellowship carry-in meal!  One of our first places will be related to the Community Emergency Shelter at the Langler Building... where we will host the final two nights of the shelter there and then spend Sunday cleaning up the facility and getting the cots cleaned and disinfected and put in storage. Exciting times for us as we seek to be the church on mission... Receiving love. Giving love. and Repeating again and again!

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