Monday, November 12, 2012

Ending Vacation Early...

Should have ended my vacation today after such a great experience yesterday.  It was windy and hot in the deer woods today and that brought me out of the stand at 12:30 after seeing only 8 deer.  All I could think about in the stand today was things that need to be done in the office this week and getting back in the saddle after two weeks away... so, instead of staying down at Mom and Dad's and hunting tomorrow, I decided to head back to the office tomorrow and take a day sometime in gun season.

What a strange bow season it has been for me... I have seen 84 deer in my times out but very few within range of a bow.  Only harvested one.

Did take the camera in the woods with me today and tried some new techniques...

Here are the first shots of the day... got there late due to heavy fog!

Here are some fun shots in the woods...

And here are the last shots of the day... same place as the fog shots at the top...


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