Saturday, February 27, 2010

Living In Community...

Living in community is about give and take. It is about us and not me or you!

Right now I have three girls sleeping on the floor and sofa in my living room. No problem... I usually hang in the family room. But I have one girl sleeping there on the sofa in the family room. They really need their sleep. They got home this morning at 3:30 a.m. from a day in NYC and seeing Momma Mia on Broadway.

I had planned to work on Caroline's taxes and the FAFSA form today and was going to work in the Kitchen or Dinning room, but the location of the sleeping girls makes that hard! At first, I was aggravated! "How dare they sleep in the common spaces we share!" But then, I thought... I can turn the heat on in my office and go up there to work and not bother them at all! So that is what I am doing!

When we live in community that's the way we must live if it is going to work. We must put others before ourselves. We must give some and take some. We can't always get our way! It can't always be about us and it can't always be about them! So, when we are in community with each other, there is a delicate balance of looking out for one another that must take place!

This is true not only in family community but also in church community.

Often times, when conflict erupts, it is because the delicate balance has been lost. It has become all about one side (person) and there is no longer give and take.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An Interesting Discovery....

The other day I was reading the first chapter of Mark. I've read it MANY times. In fact, I just preached from it the week before, but that day, I saw something I had never seen before!

One of the struggles that all of us have when we read the Bible, especially those of us who grew up reading it or hearing it, is that it is hard to get beyond our preconceived ideas. We approach the passage and we already know what it says. But on Sunday, as I read Mark 1, I saw something new!

In Matthew's record of Jesus' baptism, the sky opens and and dove becomes visible and God announces to all who are gathered, "this is my son, with whom I am well pleased."

But in Mark, God says, "You are my son, with you I am well pleased."

Did you see what I saw?

In Mark, God speaks directly to Jesus! The Father is telling the son that he is loved. And then in both Mark and Matthew Jesus is taken out into the wilderness to face Satan and be tempted. What an awesome message to take with him as he went to face what was ahead. He is loved!

As you face temptations and struggles in life... know that YOU are God's child and he loves you very much!

Going Well!

Today is day three with controlling my diabetes totally with exercise and diet! No meds! The doc said I could give it a try to see how it went and it is going well.

Even better than that is the weight loss continues too! Today I am 8 pounds from my high school weight! And pushing to go even lower.

And it gets even better... (not that I will wear them frequently) but I now have a whole closet of suits that now fit me... including the one I was married in nearly 22 years ago! WOW!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Church That Never Sleeps...

Just read a book by that title. Not a great book... wouldn't recommend it to you, but love the title! And I love the concept.

If we are the church rather than go to church, then we will never sleep! We will always be the church 24/7/365 or 168 however you want to view it! It is all the same! We ARE the church. Sent, to proclaim the Kingdom of God and the heal!

The problem is that we have, for years, separated the secular from the sacred when all of life is sacred. And in separating the two, we go to church an hour or two and the rest of our week, we live our lives. What if we WERE the church 168 (the number of hours in a week)? And we were focused on the tasks of proclaiming the Kingdom of God and healing.... the world would be transformed - just like Jesus desires it to be. People would be drawn to Jesus.

So, I am all for being the church that never sleeps!

One thing that is clear to me, is that if we are going to be the church 168, then we need to interact with people who aren't in our churches. There are many ways to connect with them. One idea that came from the book has merit... What if we each one or each family or in teams of two or three -- adopted a block in our neighborhood. And each Saturday, we spent several hours walking around the neighborhood, picking up trash, greeting those we saw, looking for ways to interact and help out? Would that make a difference in our ability to connect with those who are not part of the church? I think it would!

Monday, February 22, 2010


This post has been brewing for a while! I belong to a group of Church of the Brethren Pastors who get together monthly to share reflections on a book we have agreed to read. We are at a juncture where we are soon finished the book we have been reading and choose a new one.

And the facilitator of the group asked for suggestions of what to read next... I could have guessed that someone would suggest the Bible and sure enough they did. I have a couple of thoughts about that that I'd like to share. First, it is my sincere hope that everyone in the group is ALREADY reading the Bible regularly. Second, I find great value in reading and discussing the Bible in a group context (that is what we do at Passages on Wednesday nights @7:15 p.m. at Community of Joy). BUT, (and you knew there was one coming!) I have never found it particularly helpful to study the Bible in a group of pastors. The reason is that too many times, we bring our baggage with us to the table and can't unpack it! Too many times, pastors have already "figured out" what a passage says and can't get beyond their "understanding". So, as bad as it sounds, I am not in favor of discussing the Bible with a group of Pastors.

Further, I think it is important for us to STRETCH our perspective on important issues of leadership, evangelism, church growth/heath, world context, etc. And it is for that reason that I spend as much time as I can each week reading books on these topics and others. I find it immeasurably valuable to glean ideas and thoughts from other practitioners. Especially ones from varying perspectives. That helps me strengthen my own perspective or it helps me move toward another perspective... either way growth happens.

I do find it valuable when we stretch ourselves in our reading and then share our learnings from that! Looking forward to continuing the journey!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's been a great week...

It's been a great but full week! Community of Joy's week as a Homeless Men's Shelter is going very well! Thanks to Bethany Lutheran and Beacon of Light Churches for their help. We have housed and fed up to 19 men.

I will be spending the night there again tonight!

Surely God smiles when several churches work together to accomplish his kingdom work!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Our family is experiencing a challenge due to the saturated ground. Our septic is not draining as fast as it usually does. We had the tank pumped in December. So, we are implementing measures to minimize water usage and water input into the septic tank.

Some reflections...

We use A LOT of water! I know that, because we have containers in our sinks and catch the water to be thrown outside rather than allow it to go down the drain. This exercise has surprised me as to how much water we use in the course of a day!

I am so grateful to have running, clean water. And am so aware that this is not a reality that lots of people in our world have. Also, our water comes to us, we don't have to go get it from a well or some other community location, which is a blessing and unlike the experience of many in our world.

While this situation has been a challenge for us, it has also made us aware of something so simple that we take for granted too much. Our family will be making some efforts to consume less and to support causes like Living Water that work to provide clean water for all God's people. Join us in this effort!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Blessing....

In yesterday's mail, Community of Joy received a check from the Richard Henson Foundation. The check was for $100. With the check was a letter that explained that this year would have been Mr. Henson's 100th birthday and in celebration of that day, the foundation decided to bless 100 churches in Salisbury with $100, as a way of saying thanks for all the ways we bless the community.

Mr. Richard Henson was a very generous benefactor in our community and his generosity continues!

Getting Back On Track....

Today, we will gather for worship as a body at Community of Joy after two weeks of not being able to do so due to the snow. I am excited to see everyone and to meet some new friends! And it is neat to hear that others are also excited about gathering together today!

Missing two weeks in a row is unprecedented in the history of Community of Joy! So, our Leadership Team felt the need to send out an email to encourage folks to send their missed contributions to our Financial Secretary. Normally, we don't like to make a big deal about money... we teach tithing and trust that God will work through us to provide what is needed for the ministry he has called us to (and he does!). But missing two weeks in a row creates a cash flow problem, especially when you have a mortgage to pay. So the reminder went out and the contributions flowed in! Not sure where we stand at this writing, but in the initial days we received more than one week's normal offering! Totally AWESOME! And even more awesome when folks like my family will give today our offering for the last two weeks and this weeks as well! (I had good intentions of mailing it, but forgot!)

This will also be a big week for us, as we have opened our doors as a homeless men's shelter for the week. The reports are that things are going well so far.

It is good to get back on track after the snow!

Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Shelter Time...

Hard to believe that it is our week to serve as an Emergency Cold Weather Shelter for homeless men. The guys come on Saturday and will stay for a week at Community of Joy. Also serving this week is Bethesda United Methodist Church.

This is a ministry that our folks do WELL and look forward to offering every year! Thanks to Bethany Lutheran Church who allow us to use their kitchen and fellowship hall and provides hot breakfasts each morning and thanks to Beacon of Light Church, who helps fund and staff the shelter, we can do it.

Looking forward to a rewarding week!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Thanks to Brent Johnson from As Green As It Gets Landscaping for helping us get rid of the two storm's worth of snow, just in time before the third storm hit.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Beauty in God's World...

Being the Church....

I am heartened to hear many stories of Community of Joy folks being the church at a time when we would normally have "gone to church". Lots of stories flowing of people shoveling their neighbors, even one story of a person paying to have another's drive cleaned! It is so awesome to see the church BEING the church. Loving others by serving them!

Here is what the ministry center sidewalk looked like yesterday.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Don't Come to Church, BE THE CHURCH!

Due to the snow, we will not be able to Go to church tomorrow... so, please take advantage of this opportunity to BE THE CHURCH! Help a neighbor shovel snow, call a neighbor to see if they are okay, invite some neighbors over for a spontaneous super bowl party... SPREAD THE LOVE!

The Ugliness of this snow...

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Purpose of the Church

Yesterday I received a new book, I started and finished it in one sitting. It is just off the press, by Mike Slaughter - pastor of Ginghamsburg United Methodist church in Dayton Ohio for the last 30 years. The book is called "Change the world: Recovering the message and mission of Jesus."

Great book about the challenges facing the church in our current climate. Here is what the back of the book says, "Something is not working. Despite the church's place of prominence in American culture and the ubiquity of the church in every American town, misconceptions about the faith of Jesus Christ run rampant today. Christians are known more for exclusivity than for love, more for potlucks than for solving world hunger. It's time for churches to get over the cruise-ship mentality of being a program provider and reconnect with the true message and mission of Jesus: to bring good news to the poor, release to the captives, and freedom to the oppressed. The church is called to be a mission outpost, living out Christ's ideals in today's world."

I have been saying this a while now. And yet, as I look back on the last several years at Community of Joy, I realize we have made small steps in that direction, but not enough. So, in 2010, I want to make a more concentrated effort to reconnect with the mission and message of Jesus. To engage with our community in a way that brings together God's resources and human need.

For me, it is not about building the church, but it is about becoming the church in the community and world.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Next Reformation!

One of the things I am doing for my relationship with Sharon and my diabetes is I am walking at the mall two times a day 5 or 6 days a week. Sharon and I walk every morning from 7:30 - 8 ish. And then I go back to get another hour or so in. While walking on my own, I listen to an ipod of some preacher or leadership development. Today I listened to Rick Warren. And he said something I have been saying for a long while, but he names it in a way that is helpful.

I have long said that we are in the midst of a second reformation in the church. And it is needed!

Rick says that the first reformation was "about creeds and the second reformation is about deeds." I think he is right!

It's not so much what we believe, but what we do with what we believe. We need to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world! We are called to Love God and Love Others... that's action!

Online again...

Just wanted to give you a heads up... Community of Joy sermons are NOW online again. THANKS Tri and Tracey!

Find them on the resource page of our website.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

And the good news is...

Went to the doc today for a 3 month follow-up after my diagnosis with Diabetes. She said, my A1C which is a 3 month average of glucose levels, was 5.9% and 3 months ago it was 10.9%. She said she has never known anyone to drop that far in such a short time! She was all smiles! And says that I can cut one medicine out and if levels stay low, I can cut the second one in half and maybe in time can manage my diabetes totally by diet!

I am so thankful and excited! Maybe now, I can get rid of my constant headaches!

Loving Jesus

One of my favorite authors (Len Sweet) wrote this "The church is trying to get out of what God is trying to get into. We have churches full of people who love Jesus, but don't love what Jesus loves." I would add... don't love who Jesus loves.

My desire for Community of Joy is not to build a church but to love a community so much that they will fall in love with Jesus. Wouldn't it be awesome if we were known for what we stand for or how we love others and not by what we are against or how we put others down. Jesus constantly met people right where they were! And through love... drew them into a connection with him.

May we be known by our love for Jesus and the people he loves!

Monday, February 1, 2010

First College Class Entrance...

Took my first class of my Wor-Wic Photography course tonight. The girls gave it to me for Christmas. Really looking forward to it!

I did make quite an entrance though... got there almost last...but ahead of time. Luckily an empty seat in the back... but the chairs were on rollers... thought my chair was right behind me... turns out it wasn't and I landed on the floor with a THUD! Kinda hurt my back a bit... the prof came running back to see if I was okay...ofcourse I was just embarrased!

Serving Others... Focusing on them!

Here is a quote from "Deliberate Simplicity" by David Browning. "The distinction between outreach and evangelism is liberating. It frees us from thinking that every contact with a non-Christian must have an overtly evangelistic purpose. It allows us to relax and enjoy the relationship for it's own sake. Having this broader perspective, we can focus on people and their needs rather than on their decisions."

It's all about relationships!